Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Time Flies

Wow.. I just finished Day 2 of Week 3 and I am still alive. Thankfully. Teaching has been taking alot out of me, not physically but merely mentally. A Grade 12 student died in a car accident a week and a half ago, and the students are still trying to wrap their hands around it all.

My fifth period class is a nightmare. I can't seem to not feel inadequate in my classroom management skills--when I can't manage a group of 24 10th graders. I can manage my first and third periods okay.. but this last class is driving me wild. I actually had to slam the door and yell to get their attention. I pretty much asked, "Are you just warming your seat, or are you actively participating in this class...?" One of my more intelligent yet snarky students, told me I was inspirational. How incredibly sweet of him really... blegh. My fifth period class contains quite a few weaker students--18 out of 24 received a 65 or less last year. It proves to be a challenge.

So... I have a new plan. The plan being 1) Changing the seating 2) Talking to each student individually 3) Using a classroom management worksheet to document more and more 4) Talking to their parents. 5) Only explaining things once to ensure better listening skills.

Man... I have turned into such a bitch on wheels during class time. So much for inspiring young minds on a Tuesday.

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