Monday, September 28, 2009

It's been much too long.

Well, I have put off updating for much too long. This year I am in a new school board--and with this brings many new and exciting things--and many nervewracking things. I have moved from a school that was considered high risk and high needs to a school where the kids drive better cars then the teachers and go on mini vacations to Paris for the weekend. A huge culture shock really. I applied for this job on a whim really and the fact that I have a permanent job--is amazing.

I was sad to leave the job I had last year--but I am excited to see what this new place holds. However, the downside is that I have a commute of 45 minutes everyday. Blergh.

Today, a student tried to bully me into giving him higher marks. Well I can tolerate a lot in life, and rudeness is not one of them.

I love teaching grade 9. They are so sweet, inquisitive and interested. To me, this group is the best group of students I have had in my entire career ( A short career thus far) I told the parents of my grade 9 class, that I am bringing grammar back--just like Justin brought sexy back. That result in some fantastic applause. : )

I have a lot more work then I need, and the stress is probably eating at other aspects of my life. But I will get through it, just like I always have.