Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A long awaited update.......

Ah... sorry for the long abscence. I have been crazy busy these days. My final exams and culminating activities are due this Friday and being the procrastinator that I am, I am still not finished. Well I have one exam to go.

Last week I was at the school until 9:30 pm on Thursday and 12 midnight on Friday. On Thursday I had parent teacher interiews. I was over-booked, with 20 interviews. Most of the parents were pretty receptive, with the exception of one parent who told me her sons mark in English should be the same as his English one. She seemed to blame me for her sons success--but in reality her son is a lazy lazy kid who doesn't edit his work. I knew she wasn't going to be convinced with anything I had to say, so I stood up and thanked her for coming slightly earlier then the interview was supposed to go.

On Friday evening I volunteered for a grade 9 girls sleepover that promoted self esteem and friendship. We had a famous Canadian plus sized model and a very well known anchor for the six o'clock news (she had triplets if thats a clue) talk and overall it was successful. I ran the healthy snack workshop for the girls.

This past week I ran a slightly painful workshop for my grade 10s on essay writing. Most of them wasted their time and now paying for it. Its hard to have sympathy for those who don't give know what.

On a more positive note, my department head told me that she is so happy with me. She told me that I work so hard and she hopes that she can keep me on after my contract expires. Also, I am running 10 hours of after school literacy help for grade 10s, and I am getting the highest numbers of any course that has been run. It must be my charisma ; )

I am tired and looking forward to Christmas break! 17 working days to go : )

Until later,

1 comment:

Laura said...

you can do it, sweet pea!!!