Saturday, January 17, 2009


I have 153 papers to mark. That is 51 students x 3 separate tasks. I also have 51 presentations to assess. So. I don't remember any tasks in high school being like this. My department head.. who is awesome by the way, must be a marking machine. Truly. She has made all of the grade 10 teachers assign three tasks for each grade 10 class. Today I was in the library for 3.5 hours, and I finished 41 papers. I need to get them back to the kiddos by Tuesday. Final exams start on Wednesday. I am so screwed. I will have to mark for 10 hours tomorrow. I am going to need to drink some wine tonight. God bless my dear bf, cause I am probably a giant ball of stress.

The kids are becoming more and more apathetic. 2 minutes late, 3 minutes, 5, 10...etc.......

I was supposed to assessed this past Wednesday. I threatened my first period class with death if they were not on time. It was like the Amazing Race outside my portable that day... my kids were running as though a million dollar prize was on the line. I love my first period kiddos. So, the reason I did not get assessed is the VP responsible for me, had some sort of emergency and couldn't make it. I even had an exciting lesson plan and on time kids! Blegh. Now it will have to be next semester.

I need some wine now. Please stop me if I become a raging alcoholic next semester.

: )

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